Our Governing Board meets on a termly basis. In addition to three full governing board meetings per year we also have the following committees meeting on a termly basis during the school day following a visit, led by the governor and associated with their link responsibility:
Resources (including Pay Committee and Health and Safety)
Responsible for:
-Buildings, Pay Policy, Health and Safety, Finance and Staffing.
Learning & Achievment
Responsible for:
Attainment and Achievement scrutiny, School Development Plan, Curriculum Policies and implementation and quality of learning and teaching.
Our Governing Body:
Co-opted (Appointed by Governing Board)
Mrs. Anne Madden
I joined the Governing Body as a parent governor in the 1990s and since then have been a co-opted governor. I have gained a wide range of experience through my roles as Chair of Staffing and Curriculum Committee, chairing the Headteacher’s Performance Review and Vice Chair. I was actively involved in the last Ofsted inspection and in the appointment of the current headteacher.
I am passionate about equality of opportunity and fairness and my working career has been spent with the Equal Opportunities Commission and the Equality and Human Rights Commission focusing primarily on equality and inclusion in education. My role has covered equality law, policy and practice. I led work to develop Technical Guidance for schools on the Equality Act 2010 and have worked closely with the DfE and Ofsted to build equality requirements and best practice into inspection frameworks and government policy, most recently in relation to the new SEND code and EHC plans. To support schools in providing inclusive education, I led the development of three on-line teaching resources: Equal Rights, Equal Respect; Equal Choices, Equal Chances and Unlocking Opportunities – a training package for schools on providing reasonable adjustments across the curriculum and in extra-curricular activities.
My commitment and dedication to Brooklands Primary School has strong foundations – I was born in Sale and attended the School, as did my son. It is a privilege to serve on the Governing Body and I hope that my knowledge and experience helps to ensure that all pupils are supported to achieve their best and to progress to successful lives beyond our school.
–Chair of Governors (SEND, CLA and Safeguarding Link Governor)
-Committees- All
-Term of Office- 27/6/19-27/6/23
-No material, business interests or other school governing body positions declared
-Relationship with staff/governors in school – None
Mr. Chris Boyes
Born in Croydon, I moved to the NW after graduating from Manchester University and have now lived in Brooklands for well over 40 years. Both of my children attended Brooklands Primary School. I was for three separate years Chairman of the PTA and was i/c Fireworks for seven years.
I am a Community Governor and feel I have a responsibility to link with residents and other stakeholders on the many educational issues within Trafford and beyond.
My interests and involvement in other organisations includes former Governorship of Manchester NHS Foundation Trust, Past President Chairman and Hon Secretary of Sale Golf Club, Vice President Sale Rugby Club, Rotary International Past District Governor and Governorship of Sale High School and President Sale Photographic Society
-Chair- Resources
-Headteacher Performance Management Committee
-Term of Office- 9/3/21-9/3/25
-Material, business interests or other school governing body positions declared-
Governor (Sale High School)
Wife- Governor Worthington Road Primary School
-Relationship with staff/governors in school – None
Mrs. Nicola Bradshaw-Ross
I have been a co-opted governor since January 2016 and sit on the Curriculum Standards Committee, already I have been impressed by the commitment of the staff and the quality of teaching and learning. Working in education for 16 years as an adviser I am passionate about inclusivity, creating opportunities and achievement for all students; I have taught marketing to adults part time alongside my advice work and am currently the Immigration & Welfare Manager for Manchester Metropolitan University. I am no stranger to inspections. My step-children attend school outside of the area, Brooklands Primary School is part of our local community and I am proud to be involved and offer support and look forward to meeting the challenges that being a governor bring.
-Standards and Curriculum
-Term of Office- 27/6/19-27/6/23
– Material, business interests or other school governing body positions declared -Director Fitter Labs Ltd
-Relationship with staff/governors in school – None
Mrs Caroline Hall
I joined the governing body as a parent governor in December 2016. I have two sons, one at Brooklands and my eldest son is now at high school,
I have worked as a Speech and Language Therapist, supporting children with wide ranging speech, language and communication needs across a variety of settings for over 16 years. As part of this, I have been involved in full service redesign and have worked extensively alongside partners in education. More recently, I work at Manchester’s specialist tertiary children’s hospital, providing specialist assessment and management for in patients from across the North West.
I am passionate about all children’s rights to access education, regardless of level of need. I look forward to the opportunity of supporting school through the governing body and feel that my professional background will be of benefit in achieving this.
–Vice Chair of Governors
-Chair- Standards and Curriculum
-Term of Office- 24/6/21 – 24/6/25
-No material, business interests or other school governing body positions declared
-Relationship with staff/governors in school – None
Mr Brendan Hatzar
I have recently been appointed as a co-opted governor and I’m looking forward to working with the Governing Board in the future to ensure the ongoing success of the school. I’m originally from Bolton but have lived in Sale for over 20 years. I’m married with three children who all went to school in the area. I’m grateful of the opportunity to contribute to the community that has looked after me and my family in the years I have lived in the area.
In my working life I have spent over 30 years working in Estates and Facilities Management in both the private and public sector managing the building portfolios of large government departments, commercial clients and property management companies. I have a broad range of experience including managing large multi-functional teams, auditing, Health, Safety & Environmental management, financial governance and statutory compliance. As a new governor I hope to bring some of this experience to the team and positively contribute to the running of the school.
Term of Office-29/5/20-29/5/24
-No material, business interests or other school governing body positions declared
-Relationship with staff/governors in school – None
Mrs Alex Moore
I joined the board as a parent governor in September 2016. I have two daughters at Brooklands School. I have lived in Sale for over 10 years, am an active volunteer at my local sports club and was a Games Maker at London 2012. I work part-time for Sport England developing policy to encourage more people to benefit from sport and physical activity. I have previously been a board member for Greenwich Leisure Limited and my work roles have ranged from Leisure Centre management to new facility development in my role as a sports and leisure consultant. I enjoy playing tennis in local leagues as well as enjoying reading and photography.
I am keen to support the school so our children get the best possible start in life, developing an enjoyment for learning, valuing each other, and naturally I am passionate about children finding sports and physical activities that they enjoy and will help them gain a competency to make them want to remain physically active throughout their life. I am keen to enable all children to achieve their potential in all aspect of school life. I will work with others to raise standards and improve the outcomes for all children who attend the school.
– Resources
-Chair -Premises, Health and Safety monitoring group
-Term of Office- 24/6/21 – 24/6/25
-No material, business interests or other school governing body positions declared
-Relationship with staff/governors in school – None
Rev. Richard Sherratt
I joined the Governing Body in October 2017 having recently moved to Brooklands from the Wirral to take up my post as vicar of St John’s. Over the years there have been good links between Brooklands Primary School and St John’s and I am keen to develop these links in the future. Before being ordained I was a librarian and so I remain passionate about literacy and the importance of reading. In addition to reading I also enjoy gardening and watching rugby. I am married to Suzanne and we have two sons. As a new governor I very much look forward to playing my part in ensuring pupils have a positive experience at Brooklands Primary and that, in future years, they will have happy memories of their time here.
-Pay and Resources
Term of Office-9/10/17-9/10/25
-No material, business interests or other school governing body positions declared
-Relationship with staff/governors in school – None
Parent (Appointed by parents)
Mrs Vaishali Fitton
I have lived in Sale since 2014 and have one daughter already at Brooklands Primary School and her younger brother will hopefully be joining her soon.
I am a solicitor and work for a professional regulator in its operationally separate tribunal service, where decisions about a professional’s fitness to practise are made. In my role I am involved in supportively improving the quality of decision-making of tribunal members and overseeing the organisation’s legal advice and guidance.
I am grateful to have been appointed as a parent governor and looking forward to helping the school continue to improve and develop, for the benefit of the whole community. I am particularly keen to ensure that all children are treated fairly and have equal access to the opportunities offered. I would like to be involved in the creation and implementation of policies promoting this, whilst ensuring that they are fair, accessible, and clear. I believe that my professional background will help me to do this.
Parent (Appointed by parents)
Mrs Michelle Gilberthorpe
I have two children at Brooklands Primary School and have been fortunate to volunteer at the school in various capacities. I am delighted to have been appointed as Parent Governor and am looking forward to helping make sure that all children enjoy a stimulating, supportive learning environment that enables them to reach their full potential.
Professionally, I have over 15 years’ experience working in the public sector, enjoying roles in clinical governance, quality standards, and service user and public engagement. I have also previously worked as a Youth Support Worker, which has given me valuable insight into how early life experiences can shape children’s futures. I am keen to ensure that children experience a school environment that optimises their health and wellbeing, which is fundamental for positive learning and development.
Staff (Appointed by staff)
Mr Chris Alecock
I have been a primary school teacher for over 22 years and have been a teacher at Brooklands since 2014. I have represented the staff on the governing body since January 2024 and feel privileged to have a role where I can have a positive impact on the further development of the school. Throughout my time at Brooklands, and particularly through my role of leading music in the school, I have developed many positive professional relationships with the local community, and look forward to strengthening these even further.
My interests include hiking and cycling, reading and listening to and playing music.
I look forward to working collaboratively with the staff and governors to continue to ensure that all the children in our school have every opportunity to succeed and reach their potential.