Oak National Academy – The Oak National Academy consists of video lessons for English, maths and science as well as some Foundation Subjects. All sessions are led by qualified teachers from Good and Outstanding Schools across the country. It is the government’s ‘arm’s length’ organisation for remotre learning and employs qualified teachers to plan and deliver content.
BBC Bitesize – The BBC are providing 12 weeks worth of lessons and resources either on their website or through iPlayer.
Sumdog – The children have all recently been sent logins for Sumdog to take part in a Maths competition. Sumdog has made all its resources free for the duration of the school closures. The children can use games to practice number bonds, times tables, Maths reasoning questions, spelling and grammar. The questions adjust their level of difficulty dependent on the answers, so the all the children should always be able to access this at their maths level.
Please find below the spelling lists for the entire year for children in Year 2 up to Year 6.
Literacy Shed – Activity packs based on one of their short films. Each film has a pack with 10 activities which could easily be done of the course of a day or a few days. There are also reading comprehension packs for each year group. These resources are best printed but could easily be used on screen. – All children have a login for – this enables children to practice specific grammar points and is marked automatically. If your child can not remember their username and password, their class teacher will be able to send it to them
Authorfy 10 minute challenges – Well known authors have set children a 10 minute challenge to complete linked to reading or illustration. There are already 30 challenges and a new one is added each day. Suitable mainly for KS2, children could complete a few of these each day.
Sentence Stacking – Suitable for all ages, the videos can be watched live by the children or played back later. CAUTION – as these are on Youtube, parental supervision may be necessary
Oxford Owls – Continue with home reading books online – lots of free books that are searchable by book band and readable online
Grammaropolis – Songs for children to learn about different parts of grammar (might be useful for parent as well!) CAUTION – as these are on Youtube, parental supervision may be necessary
EAL Hub – Resources to help support vocabulary and reading for children with EAL. Even though this is a subscription site, each section has some free resource packs that you are able to use to support you if your child is EAL.
Spelling frame – Free website which allows the children to practice different spelling rules – suitable for all ages
Pobble 365 – Each day a different image is shared and is accompanied by questions, some grammar work and a story/writing starter. Previous pictures can also be accessed. Could be used independently by KS2 and with support by KS1
The Reading Realm – Free home learning packs with reading extracts and related activities
Maths Mastery – Lesson Packs for any parents wanting to have a go at supporting your child to learn new content. These packs have step by step guides to how to support your child with videos and activities to help. Available from Reception to Y6.
Classroom Secrets – A collection of worksheets (there is a new collection each week) that you can download and print for your child to complete.
Hamilton Trust – 5 weeks worth of learning packs which contain powerpoints and learning reminders for the children to complete before having a go at the printed resources. Whilst it is useful for the children to review the powerpoint with an adult, the learning reminders may be enough to enable them to complete the activities.
Corbett Maths – Most suitable for UKS2, click on 5 a day for daily arithmetic practice or choose videos to watch short explanations of a topic followed by related questions to complete.
Nrich – Great reasoning and problem solving activities. These have been particularly selected as suitable to use at home and there are options for all ages.
STEM learning – A huge collection of Science, Engineering, Computing and DT activities that your child can complete at home. Some of these will need adult supervision, others could be completed individually or with siblings.
Oxford University Museum – Learn about animals, fossils, rocks, insects and minerals through activities and interactive games
Primary Science Trust – A collection of investigations to do at home. Some of these will need adult supervision, others could be completed individually or with siblings. The Science at work sections has weekly videos and activity sheets linked to read people who use Science in their jobs – Florence Nightingale and two doctors doing important work on the coronavirus are the first to be featured.
An hour of code – A huge number of coding activities for all ages and level of experience
Scratch Jr – Download the free app to a computer or tablet and have a go at these introductory activities (Lots of children will have already used Scratch in school) Suitable for all ages.
Tynker – Coding challenges for all ages – create a free account to access their premium courses
Barefoot – Mini missions and learning activities to do as a family as well as some interactive games
Creating music at home – The activities on this website give opportunities for children to work on creating music and there are activities for children with no musical instrument at home as well as those children who play a tuned instrument (Suitable for all ages)
National Geographic Kids – Click on Primary Resources across the top and browse the different ones available – each primary resource has pages of the comic that the children can download and read with a suggested activity. There are loads to choose from in all subject areas! You will need to sign up to a free account to access.
World Geography Games – Hours of fun learning about countries, capitals, flags and states
Climate Kids – Environmental website with information, activities, games and videos
Two twitter links for art – both of these teachers have shared lots of great ideas for art projects you can do at home – Darrell Wakelam and Mr Allington
Stay in, Work out with Sport England – Lots of links to things that can be done at home to stay active
Wild Days -Activities for how to spend up to an hour doing outdoor learning with your child in your own green space