Welcome to Brooklands Primary School. It gives me great pleasure to introduce myself as the Headteacher and welcome you to our school website. My three core priorities are to ensure all members of our community feel safe, are happy in school and are able to learn to the best of their ability. I hope that our website can offer you a strong sense of how this is achieved.
Brooklands is an excellent school that is passionate about both children’s academic achievement and holistic development. We take a nurturing and inclusive approach to the care of our children whilst also having high expectations of their learning. This is evident in our strong outcomes. We offer our pupils a rich curriculum and extra-curricular diet that allows all our children to succeed and thrive, whatever their strengths or interests, whilst also providing a safe space for them to develop personally, socially and emotionally. We aim for our children to leave Brooklands as resilient, successful and creative learners. This is based on our school values of:
Perseverance Respect Honesty Friendship
We expect every member of our school community to be a role model for our values.
At Brooklands, we are supported by a fantastic staff team who are knowledgeable, empathetic and passionate about pupils’ learning. They work incredibly hard and go above and beyond for our children. Along with pupils’ wellbeing, we also highly value staff work/life blend: it is important that our staff team continue to love their jobs and work efficiently, whilst also ensuring that our children achieve well. We also benefit from an enthusiastic and supportive parent community who are keen to engage with the school and willingly offer their time (and money via PTA events!) in support of the school. We understand the vital role they play in their children’s education and we look to build strong relationships through regular communication, constructive feedback and facilitating regular opportunities to welcome them into school through concerts, sporting events, class visits, parent workshops, volunteering and religious festivals.
The jewel in our crown are our amazing children. They are exceptionally well-behaved, ambitious and curious to learn, and as a result achieve very well. We are so incredibly proud of all of them and it is a privilege to be their Headteacher.
Whilst Brooklands is a school built on strong traditions and with a strong track record of success, this is coupled with an innovative and progressive approach to learning and teaching. An example of this the use of 1:1 devices (i-Pad or Chromebook) for every child in KS1 and KS2 to create immersive, hybrid and personalised learning opportunities. This is not at the expense of children’s workbooks, for which we have the highest expectations and contain high quality children’s work, rather than worksheets or ‘paper-on-paper’. We use floor books instead of individual workbooks in many subjects as we value learning over work produced. Every decision we make begins with asking ‘what’s best for the children’ and reject the answer that ‘we’ve always done it like this.’
We are blessed to have extensive grounds and we use our outdoor space to provide a range of learning, leisure and sporting opportunities for our children. It also plays host to our regular PTA events which raise significant money for the school, which according to their mantra ‘all goes back to the kids’, whilst creating the opportunity for the community to build strong links. We offer a number of sporting clubs for children of all ages, genders and abilities, and compete regularly in a range of local, regional and national competitions with great success. In addition to sport, we place a similarly strong emphasis on music. Trafford Music Services visit school to offer both whole class (Y2, 4 & 6) and individual peripatetic music lessons, and there is a calendar of musical recitals and concerts for parents to attend throughout the year.
Visitors comment on the warm, inclusive feel they get at Brooklands. You are welcome to experience it for yourself and join one of our regular Tuesday morning tours (contact the school office for dates).
We hope you find our website interesting and informative and we encourage you to come back regularly to find out about all the fantastic things our children have been learning (our video tour is being updated and will be uploaded soon. Watch this space!).
Best wishes,
Mr John Beith
‘A request for paper copies of any of the documentation available on our school website can be made via the school office.’